Will I be flying the aircraft?

YES! For the first few lessons I will be taking off and landing, but most of the time you will be flying the aircraft with guidance.

What are the steps I need to do to get started?

The first thing I highly recommend is getting an aviation medical exam. This is not required to begin training, but it is a requirement to fly solo in an aircraft. I would hate for you to invest the time and energy in training to identify an issue late in the process. After that we just need to schedule a time to take our first flight.

What do I need to bring to the first lesson?

For your first lesson the TSA requires that I verify you are a US citizen, so you will need to bring a birth certificate and driver's license, a passport, a green card or other proof that you are a US Citizen.

How long will it take me to earn my private pilot certificate?

This varies based on how many lessons you take per week, the weather, and the time it takes to master the skills. On average you can expect 3-6 months if you take 1-2 lessons per week. With more lessons each week you could complete in 2-3 months or even less. If you take less than one lesson per week, expect it to take over 6 months. The longer between lessons the more time it takes to reinforce the material from previous lessons, and less efficient the lessons will be.

How old do I have to be?

While there is no age limit on training, in order to fly an airplane solo during training you must be at least 16 years old, and to receive your private pilot certificate you must be at least 17 years old. There is no upper age limit for training or private pilot certificates.

What is required to get a private pilot certificate?

* Be at least 17 years old to receive your private pilot certificate
* Read, speak, write, and understand English
* Obtain at least a third-class medical certificate

Outside of those basic requirements there are some flight requirements that the FAA requires to receive a private pilot certificate:
For a private pilot certificate 40 hours of flight training which consists of at least:
* Dual: 20 hours of flight training with an instructor on the private pilot areas of operation that includes:
- 3 hours of cross-country flight training
- 3 hours of night flight training that includes at least
-- 1 cross-country flight of over 100 nm total distance
-- 10 takeoffs and 10 landings with each involving a flight in the traffic pattern
- 3 hours of flight training by reference to instruments
- 3 hours of flight training within the preceding 60 days prior to the practical test
* Solo: 10 hours of solo flying in a single engine airplane that includes:
- 5 hours of solo cross-country flying
- 1 solo cross-country flight of at least 150 nm total distance with landings at 3 points and one segment of at least 50 nm between takeoff and landings
- 3 takeoffs and landings at a controlled airport

How do I minimize my costs?

There are a few ways to minimize costs:
1. The top way to save cost may seem counterintuitive - fly more often! Scheduling three or more lessons per week can accelerate your training. If you only fly once per week or less you will find that recalling skills from previous lessons takes much of each lesson. This translates into more lessons and costs. Weather sometimes forces us to cancel lessons, which means scheduling 3 or more lessons per week if your schedule can support it will save money and time.
2. Complete a ground training course prior to starting flight training. There are several great online ground school courses and some local in-person courses. Having the knowledge prior to flight training reduces the time it takes to learn the flying skills.
3. Come to each lesson prepared. Completing any assigned homework and studying will make the lesson more effective and efficient.
4. Consider less expensive rental airplanes. Fancy features, leather seats, and slick avionics may get pilots excited, but the costs add up.

How can I pay?

I am an independent instructor, so for flight instruction you will need to pay me directly. For now I can accept cash, check, Zelle or Venmo.
If you are renting an airplane - for the flights you can pay with a credit card, or via Zelle, Paypal or a check.

How does the plane rental work?

Planes can be rented from Centennial Flyers. You can join with your first lesson and reserve planes online, as well as schedule our time.

Check out Centennial Flyers: